Update to Springer Nature registered company names

The Link
By: Diana Petrowicz, Mon Jun 25 2018
Diana Petrowicz

Author: Diana Petrowicz

As a global publisher, Springer Nature is home to a family of brands, businesses and imprints that include some of the most famous names in academic, education and professional publishing. To make it easier for our customers, suppliers and partners to work with us, we are taking steps to align the naming conventions of our registered company names to more consistently reflect ‘Springer Nature’.

This means that as of July 1, 2018:   

Current company name

Updated company name as of July 1, 2018

Macmillan Publishers Limited (UK)

Springer Nature Limited

Nature America, Inc. (US)

Springer Nature America, Inc.

Springer Customer Service Center GmbH (Germany)

Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH

Springer Customer Service Center LLC (US)

Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC

Below you'll find answers to some of the most common questions about what's happening. In case your question is not answered here, please feel free to contact us.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. Why are we changing our registered company names?

Following the merger of Springer Science & Business Media and Macmillan Science Education to form Springer Nature in 2015, we are taking steps to align the naming conventions of some of our registered companies to more consistently reflect the overall group name. 

2. What are the implications?

Customers need to update their systems with the new name(s) from the date indicated. All other details (including bank account numbers) remain the same.

The new name will be used for invoicing, payment and any new agreement entered into as of July 1, 2018. All existing and previous agreements using the current names remain unaffected and in force, no updates are required.

3. Where can I go to with my questions?

If your question is not answered by these FAQs please send your query to libraryrelations@springernature.com.

4. Who should I contact if I require a certificate or other document which will provide proof of the name change?

Standard documents are available and can be requested from your regular Springer Nature contact. The standard documents include excerpts of the company registration and accompanying statements by officers of the company, verifying the name change and documents.

5. Who can I contact to fill out a vendor form?

Please contact your Springer Nature licensing manager or sales support contact.  

6. Do I need a new license with the new registered company name on it?

No. The terms of any existing contract or agreement you hold with us are unaffected. If you enter into a new agreement with us as of July 1, 2018, the updated registered company name will be used.

7. Does this have an impact on the payment of invoices still showing  the “old” company name?

If the previous registered company name is found on an invoice generated by us prior to July 1, 2018, payment is unaffected, even if submitted on or after July 1, 2018. Bank details (account and sort code information) will not change and the payment will be unaffected if the old registered company name is used.

Invoices you receive from us as of July 1st will show the new name. Please update your records accordingly to reflect the new company name.

8. We have an unsigned license carrying the “old” registered company name. What do we do with this after July 1st?

If the license is already with you, you can sign the version with the name already reflected on the license.

9. Which company name will be reflected on amendments which refer to a license carrying the “old” company name?

The amendment will contain a reference to the old name (“formerly known as [XXX]”).

10. Can new licenses make a reference to a signed license which carries the “old” company name?

Yes. We can include wording e.g. “formerly known as [XXX]”.

11. Are imprint brands changing?   

These changes affect the names of our registered companies only, not our brands or imprints.

Diana Petrowicz

Author: Diana Petrowicz

Diana Petrowicz is a Marketing Manager in the Sales Enablement team, based in the London office. Supporting the Sales and Account Development teams, she is enthusiastic about finding innovate ways to communicate with the library community and specialises in producing and writing case studies across the portfolio.