SDG16: Journals & Collections

So many researchers like you have chosen Springer Nature for their UN SDG 16-related research that they’ve made Springer Nature one of the leading publisher for this world-changing (even world-saving) work.

Why? Because: Policy makers, business leaders, and even fellowSN SDG logo © Springer Nature 2019 researchers already know to come to Springer Nature to find important research in SDG 3. Because Springer Nature works with the SDG Publishers Compact and leading institutions like the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). And because Springer Nature offers some of the best venues to publish in, including the options to publish in a fully open access (OA) journal, or to publish OA in a hybrid journal.

We invite you to explore - and to submit your next paper to one of the journals or collections listed below.

Highlighted journals

Journal open access agreements

00G7H_LP-SDG11_Visual Creation © Springer NatureResearchers at more than 3,450 institutions worldwide are benefitting from transformative agreements (TAs) with Springer Nature—and that number is growing.

These agreements cover the open access (OA) journal article publishing costs for researchers at those institutions. Find out more about OA agreements and whether you may be entitled to publish OA with your fees covered.

Benefits of publishing your SDG 16-related research openly include increased citation and usage, greater public engagement, faster impact and compliance with open access mandates.

Are you entitled to publish OA with your fees covered?

Call for papers: Journal collections open for submission

- Perspectives on soft power (humanities and social sciences communications) Ongoing

- Emergency Medical Teams in crisis-affected settings (Conflict and Health) Ongoing

- Mediated populism (humanities and social sciences communications) Ongoing

- Attacks on Healthcare (Conflict and Health) Ongoing

- Scientific advice to governments (humanities and social sciences communications) Ongoing

Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (Nature portfolio multi-journal collection) Ongoing

- Understanding Money Laundering: Empirical and Theoretical Insights into Offenders, Typologies, and Determinants of Criminal Behaviour (European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research) Deadline: 30 Oct. 2023

- Business and Environmental Justice: a Political Economy Perspective (Journal of Business Ethics) Deadline: 10 Jan. 2024

- The Illicit Trade in Human Organs (Crime, Law and Social Change) Deadline: 31 Jan. 2024

Benefits of publishing in a journal collection

What are some of the benefits of publishing in a collection?

Context: Your results and research will appear alongside others working on the same question—helping put your work in the proper context. 

Expert guidance: An expert Guest Editor, known to you and your colleagues in your field—who understands your work more completely than the journal’s regular Editors. 

Timely review and publication: Because a collection has a time focus, the journal places extra effort on timely review and publication.

Improved visibility: Because journals often feature topical collections on their home pages, your work will be more readily visible as compared to publishing in a regular issue or sequence.