シュプリンガー・ネイチャー 書籍出版オンラインセミナー
Springer Nature Book Publishing Webinar in Social Sciences - How to get published
- 日時 / Date:2020年10月12日(月)16:30 – 18:00 / Monday, October 12th, 16:30 – 18:00
- 参加費無料 / No registration fee
- 参加登録 / Registration:こちらよりお願いします / Please register here.
講演者 / Presenters
- 米澤 彰純 東北大学国際戦略室・教授 / Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Prof., International Strategy Office, Tohoku University
- ニック・メルキオール、Editorial Director, Books, Social Sciences シュプリンガー・ネイチャー / Nick Melchior, Editorial Director, Books, Social Sciences, Springer Nature
- ミャオ・チャン Editor, Education, Social Sciencesシュプリンガー・ネイチャー / Miao Zhang, Editor, Education, Social Sciences, Springer Nature
- 社会科学におけるシュプリンガー・ネイチャーの出版プログラム概要(英語)
- 日本からの出版分析(英語)
- 出版方法 プロポーザルから出版後の報告書まで(英語)
- 著者ケーススタディ:私の出版経験(日本語)
- 電子書籍の利点(日本語)
Springer Nature has been helping many authors to publish books for many years. Book publishing has evolved from the traditional style of publishing, where authors paid for and published the culmination of years of research, to content published free of charge to more quickly share the results of their research, connect different disciplines, and serve as a bridge to evolve and advance their research.
And the fact that it is published in English makes it a global impact.
In addition, the speed with eBooks is spreading around the world is an attractive aspect of research dissemination. In this webinar, we will provide Japanese researchers in the social sciences with an introduction to Springer Nature's book publishing program.
The topics include;
- Overview of Springer Nature's Publishing Program in the Social Sciences (English)
- Publishing Analysis from Japan (English)
- Publication Methodology From Proposal to Post-Publication Report (English)
- Author Case Study: My publishing experience (Japanese)
- Benefits of eBooks (Japanese)
Target Audience / 社会科学の中でも特に以下の分野の方にお勧めします。
Education, Sociology, Behavioral Sciences & Criminology, Quality of Life-Research and Population and Human Geography
米澤 彰純 (よねざわ あきよし)
東京大学大学院教育学研究科博士課程中退、2009年東北大学より博士(教育学)。東京大学助手、経済協力開発機構コンサルタント、広島大学、大学評価・学位授与機構、名古屋大学准教授を経て現職。専門は、教育社会学・高等教育。高等教育政策・質保証などのマクロな国際比較を得意とし、現在は、途上国までを含めた大学の国際的な役割について研究。Springer Book SeriesであるHigher Education in Asia: Quality, Excellence and Governance seriesのシリーズ・エディターの1人であり、Comparative and International Education Society から共編著Researching Higher Education in Asia (Springer, 2018年)により高等教育研究部門の“Best Book Award 2019 ”を受賞。
また、編著『大学のマネジメント』玉川大学出版会(2011)、翻訳マージンソン(2019)『高等教育の新しい地政学』Global Centre for Higher Education*など日英両言語で多数の著作。
Editorial Director, Books, Social Sciences シュプリンガー・ネイチャー
Editor, Education, Social Sciences シュプリンガー・ネイチャー
Presenters Profile
Akiyoshi Yonezawa
Prof., International Strategy Office, Tohoku University
Dr. Akiyoshi Yonezawa is Professor, International Strategy Office, Tohoku University. With a background in sociology, he mainly conducts research on comparative higher education policy. He is a co-editor of Book Series Higher Education in Asia: Quality, Excellence and Governance series (Springer Book Series). His recent co-edited book Researching Higher Education in Asia (Springer, 2018) was granted the “Best Book Award 2019” from Comparative and International Education Society (SIG Higher Education)
Nick Melchior
Editorial Director, Books, Social Sciences, Springer Nature
Nick Melchior is the Editorial Director for Springer’s Social Sciences book program, responsible for over 350 books a year from a team of editors in the US, Netherlands, Germany, China and Singapore. He started his career in scholarly publishing in 2003 as editorial assistant for a self-published journal at the University of Melbourne and joined Springer in 2013 as an editor in education research. He has been a member of the Australian Publishing Association’s Scholarly and Journals Committee since 2015.
Miao Zhang
Editor, Education, Social Sciences, Springer NatureMs. Miao Zhang, graduated with University of York for MA in Citizenship Education. Mrs. Zhang carries 6 years of experience with Springer Nature and actively works with academics spanning Greater China. She start to take over East Asia market from 2019.
Mrs. Zhang is currently the editor of education for Springer had orchestrated the publish of over 30 books each year, and managing over 20 book series.