Revues en libre accès

We have published over 124,000 open access articles via Gold open access across disciplines –from the life sciences to the humanities, representing 33% of all Springer Nature articles in 2020. Authors can also publish their article under an open access licence in more than 2,100 of our hybrid journals.

Our portfolio focuses on robust and insightful research, supporting the development of new areas of knowledge and making ideas and information accessible around the globe.

Across our publishing imprints there are leading multidisciplinary and community-focused journals that offer rigorous, high-impact open access. Many of our titles are also published in partnership with academic societies, enabling them to achieve their own open research ambitions.

We have

  • 124,000+

    OA articles published via Gold OA 

  • 2,100+

    Hybrid OA journals

  • 3,100+

    Open access books

Fully open access journals

Download a list of our fully open access journals, including APC information.

This list indicates the standard article processing charge (APC) for each journal. APCs are payable for articles upon acceptance. While we make every effort to keep this list updated, please note that APCs are subject to change and may vary from the price listed. For further information on the licences and other currencies available, self-archiving embargoes, manuscript deposition, and abstracting & indexing, visit the individual journal’s website. VAT or local taxes will be added where applicable.

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Hybrid journals

Download a list of our hybrid journals, including Springer Open Choice titles. We publish more than 2,100 journals that offer open access at the article level, allowing optional open access in the majority of Springer Nature's subscription-based journals.

This list indicates the standard article processing charge (APC) for each journal. APCs are payable for articles upon acceptance. While we make every effort to keep this list updated, please note that APCs are subject to change and may vary from the price listed. For further information on the licences and other currencies available, self-archiving embargoes, manuscript deposition, and abstracting & indexing, visit the individual journal’s website. VAT or local taxes will be added where applicable.