ORCIDs at Nature Portfolio

Learn how to create and link an ORCID with your account on our Manuscript Tracking System (MTS)

How to link your ORCID to your MTS account

  1. Modify my Springer Nature account
    From the home page of the MTS (http://mts-[nXXXX].nature.com/cgi-bin/main.plex) click on ‘Modify my Springer Nature account’ under ‘General tasks’. 
  2. Personal profile
    In the ‘Personal profile’ tab, click on ‘ORCID Create/link an Open Researcher Contributor ID(ORCID)’. This will re-direct you to the ORCID website.
  3. Authorize
    a) If you already have an ORCID account, enter your ORCID email and password and click on ‘Authorize’ to link your ORCID with your MTS account.
    b) If you don’t yet have an ORCID, you can easily create one by providing the required information and then clicking on ‘Authorize’. This will link your newly created ORCID with your MTS account.

IMPORTANT: All authors identified as ‘corresponding authors’ on the manuscript must follow these instructions. Non-corresponding authors do not have to link their ORCIDs, but if they wish to have their ORCID added to the paper, they must also follow this procedure prior to acceptance. Please note that it will not be possible to add or modify ORCIDs at proofing.

To support the aims of the ORCID initiative, we only allow a single ORCID identifier to be attached to one account. 

If you have any issues attaching an ORCID identifier to your MTS account, please contact the Platform Support Helpdesk.