Registration (8.30-8.45)
Introduction (8.45-9.00)
Lucy Frisch, Marketing Manager and Chair of the Springer Nature SDG Programme External Awareness Committee
Research and Policy Engagement (9.00-9.45)
Stephen Scoffham - Visiting Reader in Sustainability and Education, Canterbury Christ Church University
Sarah Hemstock - Program Leader Geography, Bishop Grosseteste University
Chaired by: Mithu Lucraft, Director of Outreach and Open Research, Springer Nature
Communicating Research for Sustainable Development (9.45-10.30)
Mithu Lucraft - Director of Outreach and Open Research, Springer Nature @mithulucraft
Martin Szomszor - Head of Research Analytics, Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) @martinszomszor
Alison Greig - Director of Education for Sustainability (EfS), Anglia Ruskin University
Chaired by: Nicola Jones, Head of Publishing, Springer Nature SDG Programme
Coffee Break (10.30-11)
Keynote (11-11.30)
Elizabeth Marincola - Senior Advisor, The African Academy of Sciences and former CEO PLOS
Open Access Science Publishing - Why is it Essential for the Future of Scientific Research in Africa and Globally
The momentum that has driven market share of science publishing from journals based on subscription business models to open access publishing is vital to the continued health of scientific research globally. This is perhaps even more the case for research in the Global South, where there persist significant barriers to the dissemination of research as well as to its access. These barriers are direct, such as in the imposition of subscription paywalls, and indirect, such as the continued perverse application of the Journal Impact factor that has disproportionate and negative effects on scientific careers. The Keynote will describe the landscape for science publishing worldwide and how open access publishing will accelerate progress toward the SDGs as well as support the careers of researchers in Africa and worldwide.
Opportunities and challenges for OA in addressing the SDGs (11.30-12.30)
Jessica Espey- Senior Adviser at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN); Director, SDSN TReNDS @JessicaEspey
Nilam McGrath - Knowledge Management & Research Communications Consultant; Visiting Research Fellow, University of Leeds @TalkingEvidence
Jo Havemann - Co-founder of AfricArXiv @johave
Chaired by: Jessica Monaghan, Head of Policy and Performance, Open Access in Open Research Strategy, Springer Nature
Lunch (12.30 -13.30)
Crossing Global Borders with Research Technology (13.30-14.30)
Joshua Atah - Managing Director, Nigerian Research and Education Network; Coordinator, Africa Centres of Excellence (ACE) Project in Nigeria @joshatah
Maha Bali - Co-Founder and Co-Director Virtually Connecting; Associate Professor of Practice at the Center for Learning and Teaching, American University in Cairo @bali_maha
Nadine Aboulmagd - Senior Instructional Designer at The Center for Learning and Teaching, American University in Cairo
Discussion - How have developments in technology impacted global research collaboration?
Chaired by: Lucy Frisch (London) and Mohammed Yahia (Cairo)
Coffee Break (14.30-15.00)
Humanizing Science (15.00-15.45)
An exploration of how experts can use different science communication tactics to better engage with the public.
Stephen Harris - Science Editor, The Conversation @swjharris
Chiara Ceci - Science Communication and Engagement Manager, AstraZeneca @chiara_ceci
Erin Barker - Artistic Director, The Story Collider @ErinHBarker
Supporting Diversity Initiatives in Global Research Communication (15.45-16.30)
Andrea Powell - Director of Outreach, STM; Publisher Coordinator, Research4Life @AndreaJPowell
Mahmoud Maina - Research Fellow, Sussex Nueroscience, Univeristy of Sussex; Visiting Scholar, Yobe State University, Nigeria @mahmoudbukar
Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu - Researcher and author of the open access book, Indigenous Knowledge and Education in Africa @ChikaforAfrica
Discussion - How is the research community addressing disparities in opportunity and inequalities of partnerships between the Global North and South?
Chaired by: Suze Kundu, Digital Science @FunSizeSuze
Closing Remarks (16.30-16.45)