2019 - All Press Releases

J.B. Metzler publishes new open access book series on the DFG Priority Programme “Translation Cultures of the Early Modern Period”

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the programme is dedicated to the interdisciplinary development of social concepts, patterns of perception and forms of communication in translation since the 15th century

London | Heidelberg, 11 March 2019

J.B. Metzler, part of the Springer Nature publishing group, will publish the open access book series on the DFG priority programme Translation Cultures of the Early Modern Period. The programme aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange on problems, opportunities and consequences of various forms of translation, including cultural translation, in an early phase of globalisation. Running for six years, the book series will issue around 30 monographs and conference proceedings between 2020 and 2026, which will be available as open access publications.
The first two titles of the book series Concepts and Practices of Translation in the Early Modern Period and Engelländisch to and fro. German-English Translation Culture of the Early Modern Era are planned for publication in 2020.

Launched at the end of 2018, the DFG Priority Programme Translation Cultures of the Early Modern Period (SPP 2130) aims to explore the interdisciplinary significance of the epochal concepts and practices of translation as a central and ubiquitous cultural technique of the early modern period (1450-1800). The book series is edited by Prof. Dr. Regina Toepfer (Technical University of Braunschweig), Prof. Dr. Peter Burschel (Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel) and Prof. Dr. Jörg Wesche (University of Duisburg-Essen). The DFG Priority Programme office is located at the TU Braunschweig and cooperates closely with the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel.

Published as open access books, the research contributions in this series will be freely available to the widest possible audience. They can be read and downloaded free of charge on Springer Nature’s  content platform SpringerLink. Springer Nature is known to be one of the pioneers in publishing open access books and journals, and it currently offers more than 650 open access books and over 600 open access journals in its publishing programme.

"With this new open access book series in the humanities and social sciences, we can make sure that the interdisciplinary Priority Programme Translation Cultures of the Early Modern Period is given maximum visibility," says Prof. Dr. Regina Toepfer, spokeswoman for the Priority Programme. "The promotion of young academics is a key objective for establishing of a new Priority Programme. Together with J. B. Metzler, we are delighted to be able to offer young scientists in particular new publication models. They can rely on the fact that their research results will be scientifically reviewed with the help of a renowned publisher, issued promptly in German or English, and made freely accessible for readers worldwide."

"This is the most comprehensive open access book series ever published by J.B. Metzler. We are well positioned to reach as many readers as possible with the individual titles. Thematically, the series fits perfectly with our focus on literature, culture and linguistics as well as with Metzler’s Encyclopaedia of Modern Times. The open access format will significantly increase the visibility of the research findings and further expand our cooperation with the DFG," says Oliver Schütze, Senior Editor at J.B. Metzler.

The book series publishes interdisciplinary studies spanning from literary studies, linguistics, translation studies, history of science, cultural studies, philosophy and anthropology, history of law, musicology, medical history, intercultural and transcultural research. All scholars researching practices, methods, theories, concepts, media, objects, themes and forms of translation between 1450 and 1800 are invited to participate in the Priority Programme.

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