Is your organization part of the global effort to fight the Coronavirus?
All content related to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 are included via this API key and have been further augmented with more indirectly related terms such as ACE2 and its role as an entry receptor for viruses and as a therapeutic target. The amount of material includes 17,000+ articles, conference papers, chapters and books, across Springer Nature. It is constantly being added to, based on feedback from our users. For instance, we are now also providing insights into social and economic aspects of the pandemic.
In addition, the same API will provide access to all our Open Access content which includes 20 years of BioMedCentral (BMC) journal articles, as well as articles from Scientific Reports and Nature Communications.
Springer Nature APIs support a number of different operations and return formats. These can be controlled by issuing RESTful requests to the API service based on a variety of sophisticated querystring parameters and constraints.
Click here to register for an API key
Caitlin Cricco is a Senior Content Marketing Manager on the Institutional Marketing team, based in the New York office. She works closely with Product, Sales, and Editorial to grow awareness of Springer Nature brands and product lines within the corporate and health market place.