Launching Nature Cardiovascular Research: Why this journal is important for the cardiovascular research community

The Link
By: Guest contributor, Fri Sep 24 2021

Author: Guest contributor

From January 2022, Nature Cardiovascular Research will publish original research articles, reviews, news and opinion articles. In this blog post, Chief Editor, Vesna Todorović, explains how the journal will meet the needs of the cardiovascular research community.

Q: Why is Nature Cardiovascular Research being launched?

Q: Why is Nature Cardiovascular Research an important title for the community?

Q: What other considerations did you take when undertaking pre-launch research?

Q: Nature Portfolio is a unique publisher in that each title has a dedicated editorial team. What does the Nature Cardiovascular Research team bring to this journal?

Q: Cardiovascular research is a rapidly growing field. What advances are you most interested in, and how will Nature Cardiovascular Research fit with the research?

To learn more about licensing this new journal, please see our landing page


Author: Guest contributor

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