Featured chapter:
Social Justice Implications for Black Men’s Health: Policing Black Bodies
Introduction: Gender, Language and Power Dynamics in Nigerian and Ghanaian Texts
Introduction: What Do We Know About Global Efforts to Promote Health Among Adolescent Boys and Young Men of Colour?
On the Importance of Feminist Theories: Gender, Race, Sexuality and IPV
“I Prefer to Think That History Made Her:” Exploring the Relationship Between Alice Dunbar-Nelson and Edwina Kruse Through This Lofty Oak
The Transformative Masculinities Agenda in Africa: Confessions of an Activist
Black Women’s Embodiment
The Nobel Prize in Literature and Morrison’s Trilogy
from Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology
from Nature Ecology & Evolution
from Nature Physics
from Sex Roles
from BMC Public Health
from Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
from Journal of Business Ethics
from Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy
from Maternal and Child Health Journal
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