Publish in our book series

Why should you write a book? And why publish it in a book series? Being part of a book series from a Springer Nature imprint such as Springer or Palgrave Macmillan gets your book the attention it deserves.

Our experienced book editors will work with you and advocate for you and your book through every stage of writing, editing, publishing—and beyond into post-publication. Our world-leading approach to eBooks will get your book found, read, and used. And when you publish it in a book series, it'll appear alongside books on the same topic, expertly curated by experts in your field. 

It is so easy to get started—simply click the button below and fill in the submission form to submit your book idea.

You’ve already done important work. Now the world needs to see the book-length version. Get started today. 

Please note that editors cannot accept submissions of single book chapters.

The Sustainable Development Goals Series

SN SDG logo © Springer Nature 2019As a company, Springer Nature has dedicated itself to a special focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As part of this focus, our book editors have developed—and continue to curate—this book series focused especially on these Goals.

If your work bears on the SDG Goals, publishing your book in the right SDG-focused book series can help it get the attention of policy makers, industry leaders, opinion makers, and more who can help your work help fix the world.

Browse the full series | Submit your book idea to the series

Your benefits of publishing in a book series

  • Focus on discipline: Books within a series focus on refined disciplines, allowing an in-depth overview of your chosen topic and a targeted audience of like minded readers. 
  • The “Multiple-volume approach”: Volumes are published in intervals and always focus on specific topics, with volumes being regularly updated.
  • Established: Writing a book for an already established series is a great way to ensure visibility and ultimately increase the likelihood for success. 
  • Expert advice: By writing a book for a series you will receive input from leading experts from within the field. 
  • Promotion: Your volume will have a dedicated product homepage, will be included in our webshop, and will benefit from search engine optimization. 
  • Market leader: Your book would be published through one of the leading book/eBook publishers in the market. 
  • Brand recognition: Your audience will know instantly who the book is aimed at and the level at which it will be pitched based on the core focus of the series.

Could your book idea be a perfect fit for one of our series? Browse the disciplines listed at the top of this page to learn more about the scope and quality of the series we publish, and to find the perfect home for your research. When you’re ready to take the next step, get in touch with us to share your book idea, and let us guide you through the publishing process.
