Browse the following groundbreaking articles nominated by our Editors-in-Chief and read why they believe they could help change the world.
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Beyond Green Capitalism: Social–Ecological Transformation and Perspectives of a Global Green-LeftA must-read for all those seeking to understand a new mode of development: green capitalism. | The Myth of the Unscrupulous Energy User’s Dilemma: Evidence from SwitzerlandOn its own, changing from a flat rate to consumption-based billing did not encourage Swiss apartment dwellers to conserve energy more than flat rate billing. Hence, if economic incentives are used to promote energy saving, they have to be too big to ignore. | Beyond the BRICs: Alternative Strategies of Influence in the Global Politics of DevelopmentAn excellent introduction to the geopolitics of global development, providing vital background information in this time of geopolitical turbulence. |
Why use learning outcomes in higher education? Exploring the grounds for academic resistance and reclaiming the value of unexpected learningAre learning outcomes in higher education used to foster compliance with performance standards rather than to promote critical, analytical thinking? | Violence against women as a barrier to the realisation of human rights and the effective exercise of citizenshipThe value of adopting a citizenship lens and identifying the relation between violence against women and human rights can help to identify and assess the continuing challenges in the quest to eliminate violence against women. | Hiring Decisions: The Effect of Evaluator Gender and Gender Stereotype Characteristics on the Evaluation of Job ApplicantsDoes gender still matter in hiring? Are women more likely to hire other women? How gender stereotypes continue to influence hiring. |
The School-to-Prison Pipeline: A Critical Review of the Punitive Paradigm ShiftA critical examination of the school-to-prison pipeline. Spoiler alert: the pipeline does not improve school or community safety. | Five tests for a theory of the crime dropWhy did crime drop in the latter part of the 20th century? This paper presents five plausible hypotheses and a persuasive conclusion. | Neo-Functionalism as a Theory of DisintegrationThis paper is a must-read for researchers and non-academics alike, helping them understand the Brexit and its consequences. |
Longitudinal research and early years policy development in the UKPresents the outcomes of key longitudinal studies that have contributed to substantial policy changes in Early Childhood Education and Care.
| Aesthetics of Hyperactivity: A Study of the Role of Expressive Movement in ADHD and CapoeiraCreative movement can shatter dysfunction. This groundbreaking article demonstrates how the expressive aesthetics of capoeira can spark a rethinking of ADHD. | Educating for Sustainability in ArchaeologyThis article links two key aspects of archaeology in the 'real world' and thereby establishes their relevance to issues that matter today. |
The Comfort Women Controversy: Not Over YetThis must-read article will help readers understand the history of the “comfort women” in East Asia and pursue ways to stop such human tragedies. | Country-Specific Conditions for Work and Family Reconciliation: An Attempt at QuantificationAn essential article on the country-comparative link between demographic behavior at the micro and macro level, which can be used to quantify work-life balance. | Ecosystem Services and Disservices for a Vulnerable Population: Findings from Urban Waterways and Wetlands in an American Desert CityThis article is extremely relevant in the face of water management challenges, where costs and benefits must be carefully analyzed and balanced. |
Creative Inspiration for Preschoolers from MuseumsThis qualitative research article shows how arts-based and creative learning activities can be implemented with young children within their community. | Aligning Teaching to Learning: A 3-Year Study Examining the Embedding of Language and Argumentation into Elementary Science ClassroomsThis article provides an excellent example and solid evidence of how language and argumentation can be successfully integrated into science teaching and learning. | International education is a broken field: Can ubuntueducation bring solutions?This excellent article reveals the shortcomings of the international development agenda in relation to education, while also outlining a different approach that honors local culture and expertise. |
China and International Order: The Limits of IntegrationWhat does the rise of China mean for the international order? Despite the enormous amount of research on this important question, there has been no systematic effort to map out this (changing) order. Combining theoretical and empirical approaches, this must-read paper bridges that gap. | “I Am the Only Child of my Parents:” Perspectives on Future Elder Care for Parents among Chinese only-Children Living overseasThis article presents an in-depth view of the personal impact of immigration trends on elder care in one-child transnational Chinese families, together with the policy implications. | Motivating Young Native American Students to Pursue STEM Learning Through a Culturally Relevant Science ProgramThis article puts forward important evidence in support of using a cultural response approach to STEM so as to combat the systemic and significant issue of underrepresentation. |
CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing – new and old ethical issues arising from a revolutionary technologyWe need an informed global discussion on advances in genome editing, a field characterized by hopes and controversies, which this article charts. | Neoliberal Capitalism and the Corruption of Society: A Pastoral Political AnalysisGiven the current political upheavals in the USA, Europe, and other parts of the world, this article helps to understand the implications of these conflicts through the lens of personal stress, confusion, fear, and yearnings for panaceas, which could in turn lead to more problems in the cultural ethos. | Tweetment Effects on the Tweeted: Experimentally Reducing Racist HarassmentThis article presents compelling experimental evidence for how racist harassment in social media can be reduced. |
Qui bono? Justice in the Distribution of the Benefits and Burdens of Avoided DeforestationClimate change is one of the most pressing global challenges. This article explores how the costs of undertaking an important type of climate change mitigation should be shared among states. | Mars, Venus, or Earth? Sexism and the Exaggeration of Psychological Gender DifferencesMars, Venus, or Earth? Viewing women and men as being fundamentally different only strengthens sexist attitudes among both women and men. | Undergoing, Mystery, and Half-Knowledge: John Dewey’s Disquieting SideThis paper uses Dewey, a foundational figure in our field, to dismantle rationality through uncertainty. |
Cultural neuroscience and the category of race: the case of the other-race effectA critical examination of the category of race (in relation to humans) in cultural neuroscience and why the other-race effect doesn't exist. | Criminal Careers: Discrete or Continuous?This article challenges conventional finite mixture modeling approaches. | What Score in WHODAS 2.0 12-Item Interviewer Version Corresponds to 40 % Psychiatric Disability? A Comparative Study Against IDEASA trend-setting and practice-changing article on assessing mental health disability. |
Where the Action is in Crime? An Examination of Variability of Crime Across Different Spatial Units in The Hague, 2001–2009For over a century criminologists have defined "communities" as the key geography for understanding crime. This article challenges that orthodoxy by showing that the vast majority of crime occurs in street segments.
| A Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy of Technology Mediated CBT for Anxious Children and AdolescentsThis paper demonstrates that internet-delivered therapy works can be highly effective, and encourages more agencies to delivery therapy this way so as to help more children. | Absence: An Indo-Analytic InquiryThis essay furthers the work of Bimal K. Matilal by showing how ideas in classical Indian philosophy concerning absence and perception are relevant to recent debates in Anglo-analytic philosophy. |