2020 - All Press Releases

Congratulations to this year’s Nobel Prize winners!

Publications from the 2020 Nobel Prize winners are accessible through a specially dedicated landing page

London | Heidelberg | New York, 13 October 2020

The Nobel Prize winners for medicine/physiology, chemistry, physics and economics have collectively published over 130 journal articles and over 60 book chapters with Springer Nature. In celebration of the contributions made by the winners, these publications will be available to read for free until 12 December 2020. Articles and chapters that are published open access are available freely on a permanent basis.

Highlight publications range from seminal articles such as On Gravity's role in Quantum State Reduction by physics Nobel laureate, Roger Penrose, to in-depth reviews like From B to Non-B to C: The Hepatitis C Virus in Historical Perspective by medicine/physiology Nobel laureate Harvey J Alter. Letters like the one by chemistry Nobel laureate Jennifer A. Doudna et al.’s Foreign DNA capture during CRISPR–Cas adaptive immunity and book chapters such as Predatory Pricing by Paul Milgrom, winner of the Nobel Prize for economics, form part of the online collection. 

Steven Inchcoombe, Chief Publishing and Solutions Officer at Springer Nature, said: “The Nobel Prize gives us all an opportunity to reflect on the truly outstanding contributions scientists make to the development of knowledge and broader society. It is incredible to think, for example, that a genome editing method as significant as CRISPR/Cas9 genetic scissors has only come about in the past 10 years, yet is already having an impact in basic science and our lives. This inspires great hope for the future, and underlines the responsibility Springer Nature holds in communicating research robustly and without bias. We are truly honored that exceptional scientists choose to publish with Springer Nature and continuously work to make this experience as rewarding as possible.” 

The publications can be accessed through the following dedicated website

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