Special issue “Covid-19: the economics of pandemic risks and insurance” of the Geneva Risk and Insurance Review This special issue examines the economics of pandemic risk and insurance to provide new insights and avenues for future research. from The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 
| COVID-19 and humanitarian crises This collection seeks to improve understanding of the risks and impacts of COVID-19 to crisis-affected populations, and strategies and responses to address these. from Conflict and Health 
| Open data in the COVID-19 pandemic This collection presents a series of resources published at Scientific Data that aggregate and bring cohesion to the massive volume of data being generated in the COVID-19 crisis. from Scientific Data
Malaria and COVID-19 What effect has the COVID-19 pandemic had on the decades-long efforts to eliminate malaria? from Malaria Journal 
| Geographical mapping and tracking of COVID-19 This collection of papers in offers pointers to, and describes, a range of practical online/mobile GIS and mapping dashboards and applications for better understanding, tracking and managing the coronavirus pandemic and associated events as they unfold around the world. from International Journal of Health Geographics 
| Mental Health Impacts of COVID-19 This special collection in Globalization and Health investigates the influence of COVID-19 on mental health across different countries. from Globalization and Health 
Clinical Epigenetics of COVID-19 In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, Clinical Epigenetics is welcoming COVID-19 related manuscripts, and will handle these with priority. Along with our Editors-in-Chief, Section Editor Georges Herbein will handle submissions and helm a solid collection of papers with strong and innovative scientific value. from Clinical Epigenetics 
| Community management and recovery from COVID-19 pandemic The Series focuses on evidence on the trade-off between the harm due to COVID-19 and the associated economic damage due to the public health interventions; building resilient infrastructure and lifestyles with appropriate social care provisions; models of economic recovery; comprehensive epidemiology and transmission mechanisms, measurement of community prevalence and the ratio of susceptibles to non-susceptibles, risk assessment, etc. from Infectious Diseases of Poverty 
| Studies on Common Policy Challenges
Policy forum on implications of the Corona pandemic on current Asia-Europe political and economic relations
from Asia Europe Journal
Global Outbreaks and Responses: Series to Mark the 20th Anniversary of Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network This upcoming collection in BMC Medicine is seeking submissions on all aspects of outbreak preparedness and response, covering a wide range of infectious diseases including the most recent COVID-19. from BMC Medicine 
| Transmission patterns and control of COVID-19 epidemic This series published in Infectious Diseases of Poverty covers epidemiological survey and data management, transmission mechanism and modeling, virus biology and sequencing analysis, disease treatment and control measures of COVID-19 epidemic. from Infectious Diseases of Poverty 
| Coronavirus This Nature Research collection includes research into the basic biology of coronavirus infection, its detection, treatment and evolution, research into the epidemiology of emerging viral diseases, and our coverage of current events. from Nature Research 
Coronaviruses: emerging and re-emerging pathogens in humans and animals This thematic series published in Virology Journal emphasizes advances and key discoveries in the animal origin, viral evolution, epidemiology, diagnostics and pathogenesis of different emerging and re-emerging coronaviruses. from Virology Journal 
| Containment and case management of COVID-19 pandemic The themes covered in this series include but not limited to preparedness and response strategies, case identification and management, clinical diagnosis and treatment, research and innovation in therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostics as well as any subject closely related. from Infectious Diseases of Poverty 
| COVID-19 randomised trial protocols: rapid publication without barriers Trials is implementing a stripped down process for rapid publication of COVID-19 randomised clinical trial protocols. from Trials 
Methodologies for COVID-19 research and data analysis There are many methodological challenges related to research data during this pandemic. This collection aims to address these and allow for more reliable data analyses and research outputs. from BMC Medical Research Methodology 
| Agriculture, Food & Covid-19 This collection demonstrates research on the possible consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for agriculture, ecosystems and the food industry. from Agriculture and Human Values 
| COVID-19 Systematic multidisciplinary post-mortem investigations performed in Germany show different disease courses and accordingly diverse morphological, virological and biochemical findings with consequences for clinical management of SARS CoV-2 patients. from the International Journal of Legal Medicine 
Systemic Risk, Resilience, and COVID-19 This special issue includes a diverse array of perspectives on COVID-19, with particular emphasis regarding pandemic risk assessment, mitigation, recovery, and adaptation. from the Environment Systems and Decisions 
| Guest Edited Call for Papers aiming to bring together the latest research on COVID-19 We are welcoming submissions to a COVID-19 Collection bringing together advances in the tools being developed to combat the pandemic, epidemiological research updates, and insights into the virus’ origin, evolution and biology.

| Genomics of COVID-19: Molecular Mechanisms Going from Susceptibility to Severity of the Disease A collection looking at the role genetics and genomics have on our susceptibility to COVID-19, disease progression and eventual outcome. from Human Genomics 
Community management and recovery from COVID-19 pandemic The Series will focus on evidence on the trade-off between the harm due to COVID-19 and the associated economic damage due to the public health interventions; building resilient infrastructure and lifestyles with appropriate social care provisions; models of economic recovery; comprehensive epidemiology and transmission mechanisms, measurement of community prevalence and the ratio of susceptibles to non-susceptibles, risk assessment, etc. from Infectious Diseases of Poverty 
| Worldwide disruptions of food systems and the search of enduring food security amidst Covid-19 This special issue aims to address the consequences that the pandemic could have on food systems from Food Security 