Databases & Solutions licensing

Springer Nature's database and software solutions provide user-friendly resources to conduct research quickly and effectively. Our bespoke purchasing models offer complete flexibility to fit your institution’s research needs. Continue reading to explore a variety of flexible licensing options available to you.


  • AdisInsight

    Complete access to information about global drug development to identify opportunities, monitor competitors, and evaluate strengths and weaknesses allowing you to make more informed strategic decisions.

    Ideal for: All organizations involved in developing prescription pharmaceuticals or interested in the organizations that do

    Content: With over 550,000 profiles in a single platform, AdisInsight provides users the latest information on drug development, clinical trials, adverse events, patent expiry, and biopharma deals.

    Rights: Subscription, No continuing access

    Access: IP-range provides seamless access for all users in the organizations or Username/Password access for named individuals.


  • SpringerMaterials subscription

    Complete access to the entire database including the prestigious Landolt-Börnstein book series, MSI Eureka, and SpringerMaterials Interactive

    Ideal for: All research institutions aiming to increase research productivity in materials science

    Content: With over 290,000 materials and 3,000+ properties in a single platform, SpringerMaterials provides consolidated, multisource data from all major topics in materials science, chemistry, physics, and engineering

    Rights: No archival rights

    Access: Seamless and unlimited access to the entire database during the contract term via IP-Range or seat based model


Terms and conditions apply

Springer Nature strives to serve the entire research community by offering flexible licensing and subscriptions options across all regions and markets. There may be instances where depending on the region and/or market, some restrictions might apply for some of the above mentioned product offerings. For more details, please contact your local representative.