Benefits of open research

Publishing open access offers a number of benefits

  • Increased citation and usage: Studies have shown that open access articles are viewed and cited more often than articles behind a paywall.
  • Greater public engagement: Content is available to those who can't access subscription content.
  • Increased interdisciplinary conversation: Open access journals that cross multiple disciplines help researchers connect more easily and provide greater visibility of their research.
  • Wider collaboration: Open access publications and data enable researchers to carry out collaborative research on a global scale.
  • Faster impact: With Creative Commons licences, researchers are empowered to build on existing research quickly.
  • Compliance with open access mandates: Open access journals and books comply with major funding policies internationally.


Open research is free to read, copy, reuse and distribute. Studies have shown that open access content attracts more attention than non-open access content.

Increased citation and usage

Greater public engagement

Patient outcomes

Policy impact

Make new discoveries

Open research accelerates the pace of scientific enquiry.

Faster impact

Wider collaboration

Increased interdisciplinary conversation

Comply with funder mandates

Many funders, institutions and governments around the world require open access.

Meet policy requirements

Share and link research data

Openly sharing your research data ensures a greater level of reproducibility in science – something that is vital to the integrity of the scientific record. But it also provides you with additional, individual benefits.

Greater opportunity for collaboration

Increase in citations