FAQs: complying with funder OA article policies

Many institutions and research funders worldwide have introduced policies requiring researchers to ensure that their publications are openly accessible.

The following FAQs provide guidance on how authors can meet the OA policy requirements of their funders and institutions when publishing their research articles. 

For information about Springer Nature's OA policies see our book and journal policy pages.

1. What are the main types of open access policy requirements?

2. How can I find out if my funder or institution has an open access policy?

3. How do I know if the policy applies to me and my research?

4. My funder/institution requires or prefers me to publish via the immediate (gold) OA route. What options do I have?

5. My policy has a requirement for an open access licence. What does this mean and how can I comply?

6. My policy asks me to deposit a version of the article in a repository. What does this mean and how can I meet all policy requirements?

7. At which stages of the publication process should I be thinking about how I can meet OA policy requirements?

8. My article is subject to multiple open access policies. How can I ensure that all requirements that apply to me and my co-authors are met?

9. Will all Springer Nature journals allow me to meet my policy requirements?

10. How can I ensure that my article is eligible for the HEFCE post-2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) when publishing in Springer Nature journals?

11. My article has already been published but it does not comply with my institution/funder’s policy. What should I do?

12. My funder or institution has an open data policy. How can I make sure the data in my publication meets their requirements?

For further assistance in understanding and complying with open access policies, please contact our free OA funding and policy support service.

If you are interested in publishing via the immediate OA route see our OA funding FAQs for guidance on identifying and applying for open access publication funds.

If you have any feedback on these FAQs, including suggestions for further information on OA policies you would like to see, please let us know at OAfundingpolicy@springernature.com.