If you are a corresponding author affiliated with a participating UK institution, you may be eligible to publish open access (OA) in our journals with fees covered.
Over 100 UK institutions have an OA agreement with Springer Nature, meaning that corresponding authors affiliated with participating institutions may be eligible to publish their articles OA with fees covered in hybrid journals. The agreement includes publishing in more than 2,000 journals across the Springer Nature portfolio, including Nature, Nature Research journals and Palgrave journals.
In addition, you can enjoy full read access to over 2,300 Springer journals plus existing subscriptions for Nature and the Nature Research journals.
The agreement also includes our fully OA titles for those institutions who have signed up. Depending on your affiliation, your fees may be covered, or a discounted APC may be available to you. Please check with your institution directly to see what kind of discount or funding is available.
Read the author guide to learn more
Read more about the impact of this TA in our new white paper
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