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東京 2024年8月22日

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2024年8月1日、シュプリンガーネイチャー・ジャパンは、7年ぶりに第2回目のファミリーデーを開催しました(前回のファミリーデーは東京オフィス開設を記念して2017年8月に開催)。今回のイベントは、シュプリンガーネイチャーの社員ネットワークであるSN Women JapanとSN Parents Japan、およびGlobal General Affairs Japanのメンバーで構成されたワーキンググループが企画しました。



ファミリーデーでは、13:00-16:00の間、Nature の日本語編集部によるペーパークロマトグラフィーを使ったカラフルなアート制作やドライアイスを使った空気砲の実演、Nature Research Intelligenceチームによる子ども向けのプログラミング、およびSN Green Impact Network Japanによるアップサイクル万華鏡の制作など、さまざまなアクティビティーを実施しました。

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さらに、社員が持ち寄った子ども服やおもちゃを自由に持ち帰ることができるフリーマーケットも開催しました。子どもたちには、写真と名前入りのオリジナルデザインの名刺が配布され、社長を含む社員や子ども同士で交換しました。また、オフィスツアーも実施し、社員と交流したり、仕事について質問したりすることができました。Nature が制作した公式のオリジナルLINEスタンプの塗り絵や、参加者が行ったことのある場所にシールを貼れる地図、子供たちが遊べるカエル跳びゲームなども用意しました。

また、シュプリンガーネイチャー・ジャパンの代表取締役社長のアントワーン・ブーケは、シュプリンガーネイチャーについてより知っていただくため、Springer とNature の歴史や代表的な出版物の紹介、および学術出版における最近の技術的進歩などについて説明しました。

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さらに、社員が家族や友人に学術出版についてわかりやすく説明できるように、書籍や学術誌の出版プロセスに関するインフォグラフィックの日本語版や、Nature に関するトリビアシートも用意しました。


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[Event Report] Family Day 2024 held at Springer Nature Japan

On August 1, Springer Nature Japan hosted a Family Day in our Tokyo office, where nearly 160 of our colleagues and their families and friends enjoyed a day of science experiments, coding, creating upcycle kaleidoscopes, and more. The event gave everyone a chance to explore what we do at Springer Nature and how the publishing process works. From interactive activities and originally designed business cards for the kids to exchange, to an office tour, the day was full of entertainment and learning.

Tokyo, August 22, 2024

On August 1, 2024, Springer Nature Japan held its second Family Day in seven years (the previous Family Day in Japan was held in August 2017 to celebrate the launch of the Tokyo office). This year’s event was organised by a working group consisting of members from Springer Nature’s employee networks: SN Women Japan, SN Parents Japan, together with Global General Affairs Japan.

The main objective of this Family Day was to create an occasion for our colleagues’ family members and friends to visit our office, find out more about what we do at Springer Nature and strengthen ties with one another.

On the day, we had nearly 160 participants, including about 60 colleagues bringing their families and friends. As the Tokyo office has about 200 colleagues, having this many people in the office at once was since pre-COVID times. The participants consisted of a variety of age groups ranging from 0-year-olds to adults coming to the Family Day.

We held a series of activities between 13:00–16:00, including science experiments to create colourful artwork using paper chromatography and observation of a dry ice cannon, which was led by members of the Nature editorial team in Japan, as well as code programming for small children by the Nature Research Intelligence team and creation of upcycle kaleidoscopes by the SN Green Impact Network Japan team.

We also had a flea market of children’s clothes and toys for our colleagues to bring and take home for free. The children were provided with originally designed business cards, with their photos and names on them, to exchange with our colleagues, including the Managing Director, and as well as with each other. An office tour was also conducted to interact with colleagues and ask about their work. We also prepared some coloring pages based on some of original LINE stickers created by Nature, some maps to put stickers on where people have been to and frog jumping games for children to play.

The Managing Director of Springer Nature Japan, Antoine Bocquet presented an overview of the company, outlining the history of Springer Nature, introducing interesting publications from Springer and Nature, and recent technological advances in academic publishing.

To communicate how the publishing processes work, we also prepared some infographics about the book and journal publishing process as well as a Nature trivia handout in Japanese to distribute to our colleagues.

Links to the infographics:

At Springer Nature, diversity, equity and inclusion are at the core of how we work and who we are. This Family Day was an opportunity to bring colleagues and their families and friends together to foster dialogue and learn more about each other’s perspectives and experiences.


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